Saturday, December 22, 2012

The Last Place I Look

The people swirl in patterns, like leaves blowing through the Mall.
Each little group weaves between other groups almost like magic. Eyes
meet seldom, and yet all look forward.

I often watch them and laugh to myself. What master hand is guiding them through the maze of their own creating? A master weaver no doubt.There a thread of blue passes a thread of red, they pass the dull gold, the black, the forest green and the cream. The children see it all. They are aware of everything. They laugh and wind in tiny circling patterns, first here, then there. They are the sparkling beads and shining threads placed on the duller fabric woven here.

I smile at passers-by, and chuckle once more when they don't know what to do. Some smile back, some look away. Others scowl in concentration as if to conjure my name from blank minds. A rare find is the person already making eye contact, and we smile and nod as if to congratulate each other that we are the only ones "aware" in this vast series of halls.

Today I have a mission. There is a list in my hand with names written
in green. Ideas for gifts are marked next to each name. The fabric of
the people blends into the background. Now the displays in the windows
catch my attention in the hopes that inspiration will follow. I stop
and actually look at the displays today, an oddity for me that somehow
fits into the feeling of the season. I already have 2 bags filled with
wrapped packages. Only six items to go. There's no rush, today is my
day to enjoy. If I finish early, I may even treat myself to a movie.

The sports store is filled with people passing, going up and down the
escalators. The background music on the speakers is Christmasy. I
smile that it reminds me of the song I learned when little. A line at
the counter means another wait. That's O.K., no rush. I can people
watch a little longer.

I turned to look at the odds and ends hung next to the counter. Hmmn,
maybe a camping tote bag, that I can fill with goodies? I reached for
it and pulled back when I realized another hand was reaching too.

"Go ahead," came a deeper voice next to me. "There's more than one." I
looked up into a deep infectious smile, and couldn't help but smile

"Thanks. Hmmn, now what to fill it with?" I answered and yet talked to
myself almost.

"There's small camping gear over there to the right." I was surprised
to hear an answer. Most unusual in the mega mall environment.

I smiled again. "You know, you're right. Perfect for who I have in
mind. Thanks again." I left my spot in the line. Filling the small
hand basket the sports shop had provided took just a moment.

A stop at Victoria's Secret, both for my sister's present and for an
item for me. A stop at the Disney store for my nephew's present. The
sales staff were swamped, and I waited for a bit to get help with an
item hanging high above my head. I looked up at it, yep, just right.

"Need a hand?"

"Thanks, " I turned to give my request to the sales person and was
surprised to see the same man again. "Oh! Thank you, but you don't
have to. They will help me in a few minutes."

"It's no trouble. Did you want the green Tigger sweatshirt or the
blue?" He smiled down at me again.

"The green, please. And thank you again." I smiled, and then chuckled.
"It would make shopping so much easier being taller."

He handed me the sweatshirt. " Yep, not too many things out of my
reach. Did you need any others?"

" Nope, this will do it here. Thanks for the rescue." I half waved and
made my way to the counter. I saw him heading for the toy section.

Next on my list, one of my favorite smelling places, Bed and Bath. The
bath soaps and lotions smelled delicious, if a bit overwhelming at
first step in the store. Down the well stocked aisles, and at the back
of the store was my goal. Success! They still had my best friend's
favorite lotion and it was gift packaged besides. With a few small
items to round out the present, she would be surprised and delighted
when she opened it on Christmas.

I heard a chuckle close behind me. " Great minds think alike?" came a
voice. "I think you must have the same list."

I laughed, and nodded as I turned. "Candy is next on mine, but tell me
yours, maybe I it's the one I forgot." I smiled back at him. "Well, I
found mine. Now all I have to do is get to pay for it. Good luck on

"Ah, it's a detective story." He said the words as I slipped by him. I
stopped, looked at him again with a question in my eyes.

"The next thing on the list. "A grin popped up on his face as it
dawned on me what I had asked him. "Grab that spot, the clerk is
open." He nodded in the direction of the check out counter. "And Good
Luck to you, too."

"Now, how many jelly beans will it take to fill a stocking?" I
wondered as I threaded my way across the walkway between stores. This
time it was me juggling packages and making my way among the swirling
"And maybe a chocolate or two for me?"

Humming silly Christmas songs, I smiled again at passersby. The
chocolate had just hit the spot. Now for the last gifts! And coffee!
One spot to get both, Barnes and Noble. Lord, who made the mall
longer? If smiles get odd looks, then laughing out loud definitely
does-- when you are walking alone.

The mall tree looks great this year. All green, red bows and real toys
for ornaments. Nice community project since they get donated to kids
on Christmas Eve, I hear. Off to the side as I walk, I can see small
groups of carolers, Now the song in my head matches theirs. They seem
to like the smile I give them.

Ahh, there it is, finally! The mobs seem to clear just in front of me
like a vision of a path. Did I speed up, or is it my imagination? The
books go in a basket quickly here, I've already decided in advance who
gets what genre. Pens and bookmark stocking-stuffers to add to what I
already have. The line is long, but worth it to be done. Another smile
for the people helping at the line. They too are surprised, but smile
back. The poor clerk is zoned into his work. He takes the cash like it
was a present not to do one more credit transaction. "A giant bag?"
"Yes, Please."

And now Coffee! A line, ha! It's OK, it's worth it. I turn from the
register, and there it is, a gift for just me, a seat! I maneuvered
between the people and sank into it with a sigh of happiness. Packages
down next to me and out of the walk way, I closed my eyes and took a
sip. Another sigh, also happy. Eyes closed, I sipped more.

"Coffee good?" a voice came through the general noise.

I opened my eyes to see a smiling face, with a chuckle lurking just
beyond. I smiled back. "Yep! Just what I needed."

"Mind if I take the other chair?", he asked, motioning with his coffee
clenching hand to the seat opposite me.

"Sure. Did you find your detective story?" I asked as he sat and
arranged his bags.

"I did, and about twenty other things also." Now he did chuckle. "Did
you get the candy?' A hand stirred the coffee almost absentmindedly.

"Several stockings worth." I grinned back. "If they don't like this,
then I don't know my brothers. And their favorite authors to boot;
they will be in heaven."

We chatted a few minutes about children's' books, and soon were into
favorite authors of our own. Suddenly I realized that the time had
flown by. My coffee was long gone, and so was his. I looked at my
watch, just time to make the movie.

"Well, off to the next spot," I smiled and gathered bags. "It's been
nice talking to you. Good luck with all the wrapping." I juggled bags
a bit to reach for the empty coffee cup.

"I'll take care of that." He smiled again. " We should run into each
other more often." Once more that chuckle.

I chuckled back and replied " At this rate, I will think you are a
mind reader. Good holidays to you!" He stood as I left. Unusual, I
thought as I walked, a gentleman.

The line to the theatre was almost non-existent; sure clue that I was
late. Everybody and their mother wanted to see this movie. Ticket in
hand, I made it in the door in a flash. I stopped long enough to drop
the smaller bags all in the big one. Excellent, a seat just by itself,
or too far back, not too far forward. Several of them in fact, must be
couples night and these were the leftover ones at the end of each
aisle. Good thing I'm alone, I chuckled as I sat.

A good movie engrosses all my attention, and soon I was totally
absorbed. The popcorn eater, the paper rustling from candy, the
whispers of those couples didn't bother me a bit.

When "The End' came on, I blinked a bit. Over, already? I grabbed my
bag and moved out into the aisle to let people pass. I always like to
see the credits and know where the picture was filmed. I sat again
after the others in the row passed. Beautiful scenery it had been and
I have always imagined going to all those places I have seen.

Credits over, and lights came on. I started to pick up my coat. "Let
me," came a voice I was beginning to recognize. I turned, and there he
was, holding my coat for me to slip on, a big grin on his face at my

"O.K., are you a mind reader?" I asked as I slipped into the coat.

"No, but you know that saying, Great Minds...." came the voice just past my ear.
The smile in the voice made me smile in return. Despite the oddity of
him showing up again just where I was, I couldn't do anything but
smile back at him as I picked up my shopping bag.

"Now I know I didn't tell you I was coming here, and I had the ticket
already. So how?"

"Just luck or fate, I guess." A dark flicker passed his eyes, and then
a public smile. "Drive carefully, O.K.? It was snowing when I dropped
my bags in the car."

I half waved again as I left.

I left the Mall, and it was definitely snowing. A child ahead of me
was talking excitedly. Her first ride on the glittery Carousel inside
the Mall, she talked of it over and over. The thought filtered through
my brain, that would be the perfect golden coin for each stocking.

I slowly retraced my steps to the Mall. Shaking the snow off a bit, I
crossed the food court to the Carousel. Not quite closing time, it was
a mob of families. I waited my turn in line surrounded by giggling
children. My own smile was a bit tired now I thought.

My golden tokens in hand, I decided to sit a moment on the bench.
Almost hidden by the palms and plants the mall had surrounded the
Carousel with, I watched the children, heard the high pitched squeals
and laughs that came as the Carousel turned.

"Tired?" came the now very familiar voice. I looked in it's direction.
He was standing there in line. Well, actually, he was handing the
cashier some money. But he was looking at me, with a smile, again.

I smiled back. "Yes, suddenly, I am tired."

Tokens dropped in his pocket, and he walked over to the bench. "Scoot
over a hair" I did, and he sat. "You know, we never exchanged names.
And after you left the movie, I could have kicked myself. And now here
you are, in the last place I would have thought." He pulled out a
notebook and handed it to me. He searched a moment inside his jacket,
and brought out a pen.

A funny feeling had ran through me as I took the notebook, I chalked
it up to being tired. When he handed me the pen, it came again. I
looked up at his eyes. They weren't smiling exactly, they were dark as
if serious. He reached over and brushed some last wet drops of what
had been snow off my coat shoulder. His eyes came back to mine, and
darkened even more. A tiny smile began to grow on his face as I looked
at him.

My breath caught for a moment at that look."Yes, here you are-- In the
last place I look."

©2012 Dulce Caramia All Rights Reserved. The content on these pages, are the sole property of the author unless otherwise noted.

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